Thursday, July 23, 2020

One Bite at a Time

After reading through most of my colleagues blogs I have found so many similarities between all of us. The desire to be better, is there. As students we are constantly learning. Constantly seeing where we fall short and showing how we can do better. I believe that some of us can be harder on ourselves, which is definitely the category I fall into. I love what Kayla Sheppard said in her blog post, I have learned that writing is not perfect and take years upon years to master. I shouldn't beat myself up for not writing the perfect paper. That probably doesn't exist anyway.” She is right it probably doesn’t exist, but that doesn’t keep her or the rest of us from trying.We strive for perfection understanding that if we strive to do our best we can rest easy knowing that we have done everything we can do. I’d like to also point out another colleague of mine R.Mckenzie. “This class has helped prepare me what is coming in future classes, helped me realize what may be expected of me, and to continually stretch myself to do just a little better." What rings so true to me is the last part of this quote, “..stretch myself to do just a little better.”. That is what we are all doing here, being in school learning, falling, getting back up again, and trying. My mom has always told me, “you can only eat the elephant one bite at a time.”. First, I imagine that visual and am a bit disturbed, but then I realize how true this is. We have to slow down and remember we are striving to be better one bite at a time. Clearly, we are not capable of eating an entire elephant in one bite, so why do we consistently expect perfection, when the point isn’t to be perfect, but to be better? I think I have rambled on long enough, so in my last post for this class I would like to remind my colleagues to only eat that elephant one bite at a time.  

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