Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Authority and Value

Throughout this semester, we are challenged to question everything when writing including how do you
add value and authority to your writing? I am challenged with writing a paper about nursing, and why
someone should consider nursing as a career. I know the need to add authority and value, but I was kind
of lost when it came to stating how I will actually accomplish both things. I decided I would start with the
authority piece of this writing puzzle. The nursing field is filled with authority, but I want to make sure that I
use sound authority figures in my paper. For this I researched the actual statistics of nursing. I wanted to
do this so that I could add numbers to what I was saying.
I found the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics it allowed me to see the nursing field as a whole and will add the authority I need for this paper. I then started thinking about the value of my paper. I want readers to be able to come away with something after reading my paper. For me that meant I needed to research actual nurses and see what they have to say about nursing. The world of nursing is vast and filled with so many amazing stories about nurses and things they have experienced in their career. After reading so many amazing stories I found two that I believed would add value to the paper. These stories added something to my paper I couldn't, they added the real element. I grew up with a family in the medical field so I know the value. I feel it in my bones which is why I chose this career, but I wanted readers to have an "oh" moment. We all know that moment, when your reading something and you just get it. You can feel what the writer feels, and your heart is then attached in a way that it stays with you. I believe that nursing is just that an attachment that stays with you whether your the nurse or the patient. I know that adding authority and value is crucial to a paper, and I now know exactly how I will write this paper.

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